Gabe Ellett Trackside Software 10.3501 8325 11340 360 15 7 5 False False
Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings All Classes Position Last Name First Name Number Class Total Points 1 LECH MICHEAL #384 450 Expert 13 1 GELSKE TRISTAN #535 250 Intermediate 25 2 KOPP ZACHARY #6 250 Intermediate 22 3 SHARRAR DAVID #826 250 Intermediate 20 4 SOSNOWICZ ANTHONY #4 250 Intermediate 18 1 LONG BRYCE #225 250 Novice 25 2 ROSE JAKE #54 250 Novice 22 3 VANDESANDE SCOTT #568 250 Novice 20 4 JONES ADAM #38 250 Novice 18 1 HAMILTON BRENDIN #117 86-125cc 2 Stroke 13 1 GRETZINGER KURTIS #184 250 Jr 12-15 80s-250f 13 1 FOUNTAIN JASON #510 Veterans 30+ 73 2 BLACK RICHARD #814 Veterans 30+ 50 3 VLOCH CHAD #512 Veterans 30+ 45 4 MILAM ED #249 Veterans 30+ 22 4 MEADOWS PATRICK #31 Veterans 30+ 22 6 MOHR BENJAMIN #4 Veterans 30+ 20 7 TEDDER CHAD #45 Veterans 30+ 18 8 CARLSON JEFF #46 Veterans 30+ 13 8 KONIOR BILL #23 Veterans 30+ 13 1 SIEBENALLER JOHN #24 Veterans 40+ 125 2 HAYS THOMAS #510x Veterans 40+ 62 3 FAGERMAN JASON #827 Veterans 40+ 44 3 PATCHIN SR ROBERT #609 Veterans 40+ 44 5 VEA ROB #373 Veterans 40+ 38 6 BIDLACK TERRY #65 Veterans 40+ 25 6 DOHN JOSH #622 Veterans 40+ 25 8 TURI MICHAEL #25 Veterans 40+ 22 8 FOUST MICHAEL #614 Veterans 40+ 22 10 LECH BRAD #384 Veterans 40+ 20 11 WOODRING RYAN #28 Veterans 40+ 18 12 CHAPMAN DAVID #109 Veterans 40+ 16 12 BRENTLIGER LEVI #247 Veterans 40+ 16 1 BELL JEFF #32 Veterans 50+ 144 2 FOUNTAIN PATRICK #441 Veterans 50+ 137 3 TEAGAN MIKE #58 Veterans 50+ 65 4 WHEELER MIKE #850 Veterans 50+ 25 4 EVENER JOE #5 Veterans 50+ 25 6 BECKER MARK #184 Veterans 50+ 22 6 BRIAN COX #48x Veterans 50+ 22 8 ANDERSON TIM #18x Veterans 50+ 16 9 JARVI TIM #21 Veterans 50+ 15 1 MAYO BARRY #123 Veterans 60+ 76 2 FOSTER BILL #002 Veterans 60+ 55 3 BALDWIN RICK #714 Veterans 60+ 35 4 CARLSON ERIC #45 Veterans 60+ 25 4 NORTHERN RADAR #661 Veterans 60+ 25 6 STRANG ROBERT #233 Veterans 60+ 22 6 ACKERMAN BOB #639 Veterans 60+ 22 1 MILLER JACKSON #5 50 Stars 13 1 SIEBENALLER TAMMY #27 Women 16+ 26 1 SANDERS CARSON #122 50cc 4-6 Novice/Stk 13 1 ECKEL DAVID #37 50cc 7-8 Novice/Stk 13 1 BROWN ZANDER #555 Big Bike 4 Strk. 110 and under 25 2 COLBERT AVA #759 Big Bike 4 Strk. 110 and under 22 1 BROWN ZANDER #555 65cc 7-11 Beginner/Stk 13 1 COLBERT AVA #759 Kids Quads 0-90cc 7-11 Stock 13 1 MARBURGER AYDRIENNE #17 50 Training Wheels 13 1 WHEELER MIKE #850 Evolution-1975 to 1981 25 2 BECKER MARK #184 Evolution-1975 to 1981 22 3 WHARRY PHILLIP #3 Evolution-1975 to 1981 13 3 SCHAMBERGER KARL #377 Evolution-1975 to 1981 13 3 FEDOR JOHN #56j Revolution 1981-1987 13 1 PATCHIN CHRISTOPHER #612 Modern 65's/85's 60 2 WYCKOFF DUSTIN #606 Modern 65's/85's 45 3 PIASECKI ETHAN #829 Modern 65's/85's 35 4 DOHN NICK #322 Modern 65's/85's 25 5 NEUENSCHWANDER MITCHELL #19 Modern 65's/85's 22 1 FEDOR JOHN #56j Transition 1988-1996 13 1 HYOTT TRENT #413 Ages 16-29 50 2 LECH MICHEAL #384 Ages 16-29 35 3 WARNER ZACH #13z Ages 16-29 29 4 PETERSON BROC #399 Ages 16-29 25 4 MCNEIL JOE #299 Ages 16-29 25 6 WANKE BRYAN #289 Ages 16-29 22 6 WOODRING NATHAN #810 Ages 16-29 22 6 SHARRAR DAVID #826 Ages 16-29 22 9 MEDINA BEN #5 Ages 16-29 20 9 KOPP ZACHARY #6 Ages 16-29 20 9 BELL JORDAN #18 Ages 16-29 20 12 MASSIE ZAC #7 Ages 16-29 18 13 SHEPERD TYLER #423 Ages 16-29 15 14 BATTLE ZACHARY #324 Ages 16-29 13 1 WYCKOFF TRACY #211 Novice/Modern Bike 90 2 GRETZINGER KURTIS #184 Novice/Modern Bike 75 3 PETRIE AUSTIN #111 Novice/Modern Bike 60 4 WEBB BRAD #423 Novice/Modern Bike 47 5 PATCHIN CAROLYN #5 Novice/Modern Bike 33 6 SCHWIUNTEK BRENDEN #429 Novice/Modern Bike 25 7 BEAVERS NATHAN #801 Novice/Modern Bike 22 7 DEWERT GAYLE #618 Novice/Modern Bike 22 7 ELCHERT ANDREW #522 Novice/Modern Bike 22 7 GAMMONS JUSTIN #8 Novice/Modern Bike 22 11 FRANZDORF MATT #805 Novice/Modern Bike 20 11 WHARRY AMANDA #14 Novice/Modern Bike 20 11 MENTER ANDREW #1 Novice/Modern Bike 20 11 DODGE JOEY #656 Novice/Modern Bike 20 15 BELL RYAN #18 Novice/Modern Bike 18 15 GREENLESE ZACHARY #108 Novice/Modern Bike 18 15 MENTER JOSH #11 Novice/Modern Bike 18 18 FLOGAUS JAMES #179 Novice/Modern Bike 16 1 WANKE BEN #40 Pre Vintage 75 13
5 5 5 5 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: 450 Expert Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 LECH MICHEAL #384 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: 250 Intermediate Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 GELSKE TRISTAN #535 25 2 KOPP ZACHARY #6 22 3 SHARRAR DAVID #826 20 4 SOSNOWICZ ANTHONY #4 18
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: 250 Novice Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 LONG BRYCE #225 25 2 ROSE JAKE #54 22 3 VANDESANDE SCOTT #568 20 4 JONES ADAM #38 18
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: 86-125cc 2 Stroke Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 HAMILTON BRENDIN #117 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: 250 Jr 12-15 80s-250f Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 GRETZINGER KURTIS #184 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: Veterans 30+ Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 FOUNTAIN JASON #510 73 2 BLACK RICHARD #814 50 3 VLOCH CHAD #512 45 4 MILAM ED #249 22 4 MEADOWS PATRICK #31 22 6 MOHR BENJAMIN #4 20 7 TEDDER CHAD #45 18 8 CARLSON JEFF #46 13 8 KONIOR BILL #23 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: Veterans 40+ Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 SIEBENALLER JOHN #24 125 2 HAYS THOMAS #510x 62 3 FAGERMAN JASON #827 44 3 PATCHIN SR ROBERT #609 44 5 VEA ROB #373 38 6 BIDLACK TERRY #65 25 6 DOHN JOSH #622 25 8 TURI MICHAEL #25 22 8 FOUST MICHAEL #614 22 10 LECH BRAD #384 20 11 WOODRING RYAN #28 18 12 CHAPMAN DAVID #109 16 12 BRENTLIGER LEVI #247 16
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: Veterans 50+ Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 BELL JEFF #32 144 2 FOUNTAIN PATRICK #441 137 3 TEAGAN MIKE #58 65 4 WHEELER MIKE #850 25 4 EVENER JOE #5 25 6 BECKER MARK #184 22 6 BRIAN COX #48x 22 8 ANDERSON TIM #18x 16 9 JARVI TIM #21 15
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: Veterans 60+ Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 MAYO BARRY #123 76 2 FOSTER BILL #002 55 3 BALDWIN RICK #714 35 4 CARLSON ERIC #45 25 4 NORTHERN RADAR #661 25 6 STRANG ROBERT #233 22 6 ACKERMAN BOB #639 22
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: 50 Stars Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 MILLER JACKSON #5 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: Women 16+ Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 SIEBENALLER TAMMY #27 26
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: 50cc 4-6 NoviceStk Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 SANDERS CARSON #122 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: 50cc 7-8 NoviceStk Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 ECKEL DAVID #37 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: Big Bike 4 Strk. 110 and under Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 BROWN ZANDER #555 25 2 COLBERT AVA #759 22
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: 65cc 7-11 BeginnerStk Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 BROWN ZANDER #555 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: Kids Quads 0-90cc 7-11 Stock Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 COLBERT AVA #759 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: 50 Training Wheels Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 MARBURGER AYDRIENNE #17 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: Evolution-1975 to 1981 Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 WHEELER MIKE #850 25 2 BECKER MARK #184 22 3 WHARRY PHILLIP #3 13 3 SCHAMBERGER KARL #377 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: Revolution 1981-1987 Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 3 FEDOR JOHN #56j 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: Modern 65's85's Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 PATCHIN CHRISTOPHER #612 60 2 WYCKOFF DUSTIN #606 45 3 PIASECKI ETHAN #829 35 4 DOHN NICK #322 25 5 NEUENSCHWANDER MITCHELL #19 22
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: Transition 1988-1996 Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 FEDOR JOHN #56j 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: Ages 16-29 Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 HYOTT TRENT #413 50 2 LECH MICHEAL #384 35 3 WARNER ZACH #13z 29 4 PETERSON BROC #399 25 4 MCNEIL JOE #299 25 6 WANKE BRYAN #289 22 6 WOODRING NATHAN #810 22 6 SHARRAR DAVID #826 22 9 MEDINA BEN #5 20 9 KOPP ZACHARY #6 20 9 BELL JORDAN #18 20 12 MASSIE ZAC #7 18 13 SHEPERD TYLER #423 15 14 BATTLE ZACHARY #324 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: NoviceModern Bike Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 WYCKOFF TRACY #211 90 2 GRETZINGER KURTIS #184 75 3 PETRIE AUSTIN #111 60 4 WEBB BRAD #423 47 5 PATCHIN CAROLYN #5 33 6 SCHWIUNTEK BRENDEN #429 25 7 BEAVERS NATHAN #801 22 7 DEWERT GAYLE #618 22 7 ELCHERT ANDREW #522 22 7 GAMMONS JUSTIN #8 22 11 FRANZDORF MATT #805 20 11 WHARRY AMANDA #14 20 11 MENTER ANDREW #1 20 11 DODGE JOEY #656 20 15 BELL RYAN #18 18 15 GREENLESE ZACHARY #108 18 15 MENTER JOSH #11 18 18 FLOGAUS JAMES #179 16
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: Pre Vintage 75 Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 WANKE BEN #40 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False