Gabe Ellett Trackside Software 10.3501 8325 11340 360 15 22 20 False False
Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings All Classes Position Last Name First Name Number Class Total Points 1 LECH MICHEAL #384 450 Expert 13 1 GELSKE TRISTAN #535 250 Intermediate 25 2 KOPP ZACHARY #6 250 Intermediate 22 3 SHARRAR DAVID #826 250 Intermediate 20 4 SOSNOWICZ ANTHONY #4 250 Intermediate 18 1 LONG BRYCE #225 250 Novice 25 2 ROSE JAKE #54 250 Novice 22 3 VANDESANDE SCOTT #568 250 Novice 20 4 JONES ADAM #38 250 Novice 18 1 HAMILTON BRENDIN #117 86-125cc 2 Stroke 13 1 GRETZINGER KURTIS #184 250 Jr 12-15 80s-250f 13 1 FOUNTAIN JASON #510 Veterans 30+ 73 2 BLACK RICHARD #814 Veterans 30+ 50 3 VLOCH CHAD #512 Veterans 30+ 45 4 MILAM ED #249 Veterans 30+ 22 4 MEADOWS PATRICK #31 Veterans 30+ 22 6 MOHR BENJAMIN #4 Veterans 30+ 20 7 TEDDER CHAD #45 Veterans 30+ 18 8 CARLSON JEFF #46 Veterans 30+ 13 8 KONIOR BILL #23 Veterans 30+ 13 1 SIEBENALLER JOHN #24 Veterans 40+ 125 2 HAYS THOMAS #510x Veterans 40+ 62 3 FAGERMAN JASON #827 Veterans 40+ 44 3 PATCHIN SR ROBERT #609 Veterans 40+ 44 5 VEA ROB #373 Veterans 40+ 38 6 BIDLACK TERRY #65 Veterans 40+ 25 6 DOHN JOSH #622 Veterans 40+ 25 8 TURI MICHAEL #25 Veterans 40+ 22 8 FOUST MICHAEL #614 Veterans 40+ 22 10 LECH BRAD #384 Veterans 40+ 20 11 WOODRING RYAN #28 Veterans 40+ 18 12 CHAPMAN DAVID #109 Veterans 40+ 16 12 BRENTLIGER LEVI #247 Veterans 40+ 16 1 BELL JEFF #32 Veterans 50+ 144 2 FOUNTAIN PATRICK #441 Veterans 50+ 137 3 TEAGAN MIKE #58 Veterans 50+ 65 4 WHEELER MIKE #850 Veterans 50+ 25 4 EVENER JOE #5 Veterans 50+ 25 6 BECKER MARK #184 Veterans 50+ 22 6 BRIAN COX #48x Veterans 50+ 22 8 ANDERSON TIM #18x Veterans 50+ 16 9 JARVI TIM #21 Veterans 50+ 15 1 MAYO BARRY #123 Veterans 60+ 76 2 FOSTER BILL #002 Veterans 60+ 55 3 BALDWIN RICK #714 Veterans 60+ 35 4 CARLSON ERIC #45 Veterans 60+ 25 4 NORTHERN RADAR #661 Veterans 60+ 25 6 STRANG ROBERT #233 Veterans 60+ 22 6 ACKERMAN BOB #639 Veterans 60+ 22 1 MILLER JACKSON #5 50 Stars 13 1 SIEBENALLER TAMMY #27 Women 16+ 26 1 SANDERS CARSON #122 50cc 4-6 Novice/Stk 13 1 ECKEL DAVID #37 50cc 7-8 Novice/Stk 13 1 BROWN ZANDER #555 Big Bike 4 Strk. 110 and under 25 2 COLBERT AVA #759 Big Bike 4 Strk. 110 and under 22 1 BROWN ZANDER #555 65cc 7-11 Beginner/Stk 13 1 COLBERT AVA #759 Kids Quads 0-90cc 7-11 Stock 13 1 MARBURGER AYDRIENNE #17 50 Training Wheels 13 1 WHEELER MIKE #850 Evolution-1975 to 1981 25 2 BECKER MARK #184 Evolution-1975 to 1981 22 3 WHARRY PHILLIP #3 Evolution-1975 to 1981 13 3 SCHAMBERGER KARL #377 Evolution-1975 to 1981 13 3 FEDOR JOHN #56j Revolution 1981-1987 13 1 PATCHIN CHRISTOPHER #612 Modern 65's/85's 60 2 WYCKOFF DUSTIN #606 Modern 65's/85's 45 3 PIASECKI ETHAN #829 Modern 65's/85's 35 4 DOHN NICK #322 Modern 65's/85's 25 5 NEUENSCHWANDER MITCHELL #19 Modern 65's/85's 22 1 FEDOR JOHN #56j Transition 1988-1996 13 1 HYOTT TRENT #413 Ages 16-29 50 2 LECH MICHEAL #384 Ages 16-29 35 3 WARNER ZACH #13z Ages 16-29 29 4 PETERSON BROC #399 Ages 16-29 25 4 MCNEIL JOE #299 Ages 16-29 25 6 WANKE BRYAN #289 Ages 16-29 22 6 WOODRING NATHAN #810 Ages 16-29 22 6 SHARRAR DAVID #826 Ages 16-29 22 9 MEDINA BEN #5 Ages 16-29 20 9 KOPP ZACHARY #6 Ages 16-29 20 9 BELL JORDAN #18 Ages 16-29 20 12 MASSIE ZAC #7 Ages 16-29 18 13 SHEPERD TYLER #423 Ages 16-29 15 14 BATTLE ZACHARY #324 Ages 16-29 13 1 WYCKOFF TRACY #211 Novice/Modern Bike 90 2 GRETZINGER KURTIS #184 Novice/Modern Bike 75 3 PETRIE AUSTIN #111 Novice/Modern Bike 60 4 WEBB BRAD #423 Novice/Modern Bike 47 5 PATCHIN CAROLYN #5 Novice/Modern Bike 33 6 SCHWIUNTEK BRENDEN #429 Novice/Modern Bike 25 7 BEAVERS NATHAN #801 Novice/Modern Bike 22 7 DEWERT GAYLE #618 Novice/Modern Bike 22 7 ELCHERT ANDREW #522 Novice/Modern Bike 22 7 GAMMONS JUSTIN #8 Novice/Modern Bike 22 11 FRANZDORF MATT #805 Novice/Modern Bike 20 11 WHARRY AMANDA #14 Novice/Modern Bike 20 11 MENTER ANDREW #1 Novice/Modern Bike 20 11 DODGE JOEY #656 Novice/Modern Bike 20 15 BELL RYAN #18 Novice/Modern Bike 18 15 GREENLESE ZACHARY #108 Novice/Modern Bike 18 15 MENTER JOSH #11 Novice/Modern Bike 18 18 FLOGAUS JAMES #179 Novice/Modern Bike 16 1 WANKE BEN #40 Pre Vintage 75 13
5 5 5 5 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: 450 Expert Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 LECH MICHEAL #384 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: 250 Intermediate Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 GELSKE TRISTAN #535 25 2 KOPP ZACHARY #6 22 3 SHARRAR DAVID #826 20 4 SOSNOWICZ ANTHONY #4 18
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: 250 Novice Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 LONG BRYCE #225 25 2 ROSE JAKE #54 22 3 VANDESANDE SCOTT #568 20 4 JONES ADAM #38 18
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: 86-125cc 2 Stroke Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 HAMILTON BRENDIN #117 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: 250 Jr 12-15 80s-250f Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 GRETZINGER KURTIS #184 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: Veterans 30+ Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 FOUNTAIN JASON #510 73 2 BLACK RICHARD #814 50 3 VLOCH CHAD #512 45 4 MILAM ED #249 22 4 MEADOWS PATRICK #31 22 6 MOHR BENJAMIN #4 20 7 TEDDER CHAD #45 18 8 CARLSON JEFF #46 13 8 KONIOR BILL #23 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: Veterans 40+ Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 SIEBENALLER JOHN #24 125 2 HAYS THOMAS #510x 62 3 FAGERMAN JASON #827 44 3 PATCHIN SR ROBERT #609 44 5 VEA ROB #373 38 6 BIDLACK TERRY #65 25 6 DOHN JOSH #622 25 8 TURI MICHAEL #25 22 8 FOUST MICHAEL #614 22 10 LECH BRAD #384 20 11 WOODRING RYAN #28 18 12 CHAPMAN DAVID #109 16 12 BRENTLIGER LEVI #247 16
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: Veterans 50+ Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 BELL JEFF #32 144 2 FOUNTAIN PATRICK #441 137 3 TEAGAN MIKE #58 65 4 WHEELER MIKE #850 25 4 EVENER JOE #5 25 6 BECKER MARK #184 22 6 BRIAN COX #48x 22 8 ANDERSON TIM #18x 16 9 JARVI TIM #21 15
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: Veterans 60+ Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 MAYO BARRY #123 76 2 FOSTER BILL #002 55 3 BALDWIN RICK #714 35 4 CARLSON ERIC #45 25 4 NORTHERN RADAR #661 25 6 STRANG ROBERT #233 22 6 ACKERMAN BOB #639 22
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: 50 Stars Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 MILLER JACKSON #5 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: Women 16+ Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 SIEBENALLER TAMMY #27 26
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: 50cc 4-6 NoviceStk Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 SANDERS CARSON #122 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: 50cc 7-8 NoviceStk Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 ECKEL DAVID #37 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: Big Bike 4 Strk. 110 and under Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 BROWN ZANDER #555 25 2 COLBERT AVA #759 22
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: 65cc 7-11 BeginnerStk Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 BROWN ZANDER #555 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: Kids Quads 0-90cc 7-11 Stock Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 COLBERT AVA #759 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: 50 Training Wheels Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 MARBURGER AYDRIENNE #17 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: Evolution-1975 to 1981 Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 WHEELER MIKE #850 25 2 BECKER MARK #184 22 3 WHARRY PHILLIP #3 13 3 SCHAMBERGER KARL #377 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: Revolution 1981-1987 Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 3 FEDOR JOHN #56j 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: Modern 65's85's Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 PATCHIN CHRISTOPHER #612 60 2 WYCKOFF DUSTIN #606 45 3 PIASECKI ETHAN #829 35 4 DOHN NICK #322 25 5 NEUENSCHWANDER MITCHELL #19 22
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: Transition 1988-1996 Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 FEDOR JOHN #56j 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: Ages 16-29 Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 HYOTT TRENT #413 50 2 LECH MICHEAL #384 35 3 WARNER ZACH #13z 29 4 PETERSON BROC #399 25 4 MCNEIL JOE #299 25 6 WANKE BRYAN #289 22 6 WOODRING NATHAN #810 22 6 SHARRAR DAVID #826 22 9 MEDINA BEN #5 20 9 KOPP ZACHARY #6 20 9 BELL JORDAN #18 20 12 MASSIE ZAC #7 18 13 SHEPERD TYLER #423 15 14 BATTLE ZACHARY #324 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: NoviceModern Bike Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 WYCKOFF TRACY #211 90 2 GRETZINGER KURTIS #184 75 3 PETRIE AUSTIN #111 60 4 WEBB BRAD #423 47 5 PATCHIN CAROLYN #5 33 6 SCHWIUNTEK BRENDEN #429 25 7 BEAVERS NATHAN #801 22 7 DEWERT GAYLE #618 22 7 ELCHERT ANDREW #522 22 7 GAMMONS JUSTIN #8 22 11 FRANZDORF MATT #805 20 11 WHARRY AMANDA #14 20 11 MENTER ANDREW #1 20 11 DODGE JOEY #656 20 15 BELL RYAN #18 18 15 GREENLESE ZACHARY #108 18 15 MENTER JOSH #11 18 18 FLOGAUS JAMES #179 16
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False

Motocross Racing Association
Vintage Series Series Points Standings Class: Pre Vintage 75 Position Last Name First Name Number Total Points 1 WANKE BEN #40 13
5 5 4 4 0 3 1 2 0 False False